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My New Models !
I am currently developing a series of semi-scale twins for Speed 400 motors, also an experimental fan powered model using an american Electric Jet Factory fan.
I also have a tiny model yacht in the pipeline !

Shown is a simple pen-sketch of one of the models I am developing at the moment, a Cessna Conquest for twin Speed 400 electric motors!
The windows will be of the 'stick-on' variety for simplicity! Got lots of great ideas going and a possibility to get my name and articles in the modelling press ! (Paper Variety !)

I have also designed, along the same lines as the Cessna shown, a de Havilland 98 Mosquito for twin Speed400 power. Winspan will be almost four feet !
I'm 1/2 way through building it at the moment !
Photos will appear on the photo page as soon as the model is done !