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Photo Page !

Here a photos of my models, and models made by friends.
All the photos shown are available as plans, just ask for details !

I am adding more photos of my models here as I build/photo them!

The 1st Good Model !

Another View !

Mark Rittinger's Westland Whirlwind

Mark Rittinger with two of his models

Mark's Messerschmitt Me262.

A selection of Mark's scale models.

Mark with more models.

Provisional drawing for a future project !
BAe146-100 to 1/24 semiscale !
Around 43" span for twin Speed400's and Gunther props !

'Trainerfan' awaiting photos !

Etoile Lumier Glider
. . . On Pendle Hill.

It weighed 15 ounces - Ready to Fly
Not bad for 1990 with three servos !

My Daughter with my TrainerFan

You can see the Fan !
It is 2.5" diameter powered by a Speed400 4.8v motor.

I am currently designing TrainerFan Mk2.
This will be smaller and lighter but the same basic shape but without rudder control !
I am looking at fitting a Turbo450 motor to the fan !

My new, Speed280 powered motorglider.
4.7" folding prop,12 1/2 ounces and 44" span.
Flies for 6 minutes as a Slowflier or extend flights by gliding ! Battery is 6-cell 300mah.

A more recent pic of my 44" motorglider.
Now the nicads are 7-cells,
and I have five of them to fly with !

As can be seen, this is a very basic airframe, simply made to assess the power of the remotored fan.
S300 now fitted as a Turbo 450 is 2mm too big. This will be TrainerFan2 Mk1.
Probably be renamed too !

The fan remotored with S300 ! The simple fuselage can be clearly seen. Note the gap around the smaller motor !
TrainerFan Mk2 will have full fuselage like that of the original, pictured above.

These are the two models featured in June/July RCM&E
by Nigel Hawes.