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Flight Simulator 98 !

I do not have any aircraft/scenery downloads available within my site
There are lots of other sites that provide a much more comprehensive service than I ever could !
I will provide links to these.

Here, however, is a little about my experiences !

Having had a copy of FS98 for over two years, I was amazed at the aount of 'stuff' available on the internet that you can download into your computer for free; and the variety!

FS98 Screenshot No.1 !
BAe146-100 leaving Birmingham, (in British Euopean livery )
  The possibilities are almost endless !
The CDrom for FS98 contains a few selected aeroplanes that you can choose to fly, along with scenery, lessons and adventures.
It is possible to visit flight simulator related websites and download different aircraft. The good ones have new control panels and parts of the aircraft, such as the flight controls, landing gear and propellers move during flight.
Everything from Concorde to a Skydiver is out there ! Airliners, homebuilts, gliders - you name it you can get it ! If you can't find it, most web sites have a search facility !

Most 'planes fly differently too !
As they should ! The Autogyro can be landed onto the runway at walking pace! Don't try that with an Airbus or with a 747!
Each aircaft has an 'air' file that informs your computer how the 'plane should behave - a simulated performance envelope !

TheMag FS News

This is a very good place to start (Who was it that sang that ? )
These two sites are only two of the thousands out there!
The Mag FS News is where I started ! Most Sites require you to become a member and log in each time with a username and password that you select.

Flightsim.com is another great site for downloads and helpful information !
Link is below.

Please note that you will need to create usernames and passwords to use these sites to their best potential !


FS98 Screenshot No.2 !
Piper Cheyenne leaving Chicago's
O'Hare International Airport